Breathwork and body-awareness in Brussels

My work follows the method of conscious and free breathing developed by Ilse Middendorf and Erika Kemmann in Berlin. This method

... relieves tensions and brings us closer to ourselves. It helps in case of stress, burnout, depression, anxiety and chest tightness.

... improves the voice.

... can be used to accompany the treatment of functional respiratory disorders and respiratory malformations (hyperventilation, shallow breathing, paradoxical diaphragmatic breathing, respiratory arrhythmia) and of respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, COPD).

Body-awareness improves and breathing becomes deeper and freer.


Sitting or standing, we perform simple body movements and massage techniques on ourselves, which promote the natural flow of breath.

When we breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and sinks. This presses the abdominal organs towards the pelvis and against the abdominal walls. At the same time, the ribs rise, expanding the ribcage. When we breathe out, the body walls move back inwards. So breathing makes us alternately broader and smaller.

Regular practice - in class and at home - improves the body's receptivity to the breathing movements, strengthens the respiratory system, and brings us into contact with our inner resources.


Fully dressed, you lie down on the breathing couch. With my hands and words I help you to better perceive your body, in order to free up your breathing. In tune with your breathing, I apply fine pressure, stroke, stretch and mobilise the different parts of your body. This creates space in your body and your breath becomes free and starts to flow.


I was born in 1967 in the Black Forest in Germany. I graduated from the Erika Kemmann Institute of Respiratory Education in Berlin. I am recognized as a breathing therapist and teacher by the Professional Association BVA. I have also studied movement and dance education, as well as acting.

My teaching experience was gained at the Stuttgart Further Education College, at the Training Organisation of Employers of Baden-Württemberg, at the Erika Klütz School for Dance Education in Hamburg, at the drama school 'De Kleine Academie', and the art school 'La Cambre' in Brussels, as well as at different municipal institutions in Flanders. 


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Rue Madyol 5, 1200 Bruxelles, Metro line 1, stop Tomberg, bus 28 and tram line 8 stop Voot.

Easy parking (with parking disc) in rue Madyol and in front of the church Saint-Lambert

Ring at "pièce côté jardin"


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